Once kids have learned their early phonics rules and know what syllables are, they can read the following books:

  • The “Dick and Jane” series. These books are great for beginning readers because they combine the most frequently used early sight words with early phonics rules. I always start kids out with “Go, Go, Go.” If you want to get more Dick and Jane books, start with those that are Level 1.

  • Mercer Mayer’s “Little Critter” series. My favorite is “Just Me and My Puppy.”  I always use it after kids have learned the sound y makes at the end of a word.  Then I have kids read the whole series

  • The “Mr. Putter & Tabby” series by Cynthia Rylant. If you don’t want a whole set, I recommend getting the following titles:

  • The “Little Bear” series by Else Minarik. Start with the book called “Little Bear." It contains 4 little stories. Once kids can read the first story (called "What Will Little Bear Wear?") I no longer consider them beginning readers. We always celebrate because they are now "really" reading and can go on to read many other stories.

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